Dover Parents Music Club
Dover High School Music Boosters
Dover NH

This is a class that meets during school hours throughout the year with several evening performances. A smaller auditioned group of singers make up “Sound Waves” which rehearse one evening a week. Both groups perform at several events throughout the year:
Seacoast Choral Festival – (Chorus)
All New England Choral Festival – (Selected Chorus Students)
Jazz All-State – (Students chosen via audition)
Classical All-State – (Students chosen via audition)
Strawberry Banke Candlelight Stroll – (Sound Waves)
DHS Holiday Concert – (Chorus and Sound waves)
MLK Ceremony – (Chorus)
Jazz Desserts Concert – (Sound Waves)
Clark Terry Jazz Festival – (Sound Waves)
Music in our Schools Concert – (Chorus and Sound Waves)
Variety Show – (Open to all interested music students by audition)
Spring Recital – (Chorus)
DHS Spring Concert – (Chorus, Sound Waves)
Jazz in the Park – (Sound Waves)